

Habilitation :


  • ATOUSSI Sadek (January 27 th, 2019) University 8 Mai 1945 Guelma.


Thèses de Doctorat soutenues:


  1. BOUKERIA Sabah (March 02 nd, 2017, University 8 Mai 1945 Gulema). Study of the effect of the genetic variability of the species Allium cepa L. et Allium sativum L. sur la production et l’accumulation des huiles essentielles et sur leurs effets antibactériens. (PDF)

  2. BOUKAMARA Hannane ( March 14 th, 2017, University 8 Mai 1945 Gulema). Effect of two medicinal plants Anvillea garcinii and Zygophyllum gaetulum on the immune system . (PDF)



  1. BENSAKHRI Zinette (Décember 03 rd, 2015, University 8 Mai 1945 Gulema). Contribution to the study of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) of the running waters of North-East Algeria: Case of Oued Charef and their impact on health. (PDF)

  2. MAIRIF Sameh (Décember 03 rd, 2015, University 8 Mai 1945 Gulema). Contribution to the study of the toxic effect of pesticides for domestic use used in Algeria . (PDF)
  3. BOUGUENOUN Imane (Décember 10 th, 2015, University 8 Mai 1945 Gulema). Identification and immunological characterization of an allergenic pollen type in the atmosphere of Oued Zenati – GUELMA (North-East of Algeria). (PDF)