Team 04: Disturbance of the environment

Team 04: Disturbance of the environment

Team LeaderPr. BARA Mouslim (Specialty: Biodiversity, evolution and ecology of health), University 8 Mai 1945 Guelma.

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Description of the thematic team's research:

     The presence in end-of-life products, and therefore in waste, of emerging substances may present risks to health and the environment. It may be emerging substances in the environment, substances already identified as hazardous and banned from use, but which may be present in the waste of old products or in the waste of imported products, or substances already known but whose recent use in new products may give rise to problems with regard to their future treatment as waste. A literature review and interviews with experts from a pre-established list of substances (nanoparticles, micro pollutants, GMOs, pesticides, drug residues) were used to assess the information and knowledge available about the presence of thesecategories of new pollutants in waste.In general, few scientific studies have been conducted to assess the presence of these substances in the waste.

     The objective is to provide some answers as to the presence of these new substances in the waste management cycle and the risks they are likely to generate for the wider environment (human beings but also fauna, flora, surface water and groundwater, etc.).

Key words: Waste, emerging substance, biowaste, micropollutants, prospective analysis.