Team 03 : Human wildlife interaction
Team leader: Dr. ATOUSSI Sadek (Specialty: Ecology , University 8 Mai 1945 Guelma).
Research theme of the team :
The “human-wildlife interactions” team is interested in studying the different interactions that exist between humans and wild animals and plants as well as the environment in a more global way. The team's research program is based on the following main axes:
1- The study of the overexploitation of the resource (wild animals and plants) which aims to identify the species exploited, the quantities taken from nature and whether this is done in a sustainable way or not. This axis is also interested in determining the legality of certain activities such as hunting and the marketing of wild species within the framework of Algerian and international legislation, and in the determination of the social factors which generate this pressure on the natural resource and possibly draw up conservation strategies for the most vulnerable species.
2- The study of the conflicts that exist between wild animals and humans, which aims to draw up a qualitative and quantitative assessment of these conflicts, and to study the damage caused by certain animals to crops and livestock. In this axis, the studies launched concern the estimation of the population of wild boars, wolves and hyenas in the north-eastern region of Algeria. Estimate the damage caused to crops and livestock by these animals, in order to propose management measures based on scientific evidence.
Keywords: Humans, wild animals and plants, conflicts, resource use, liminal zones, interactions, mitigation.