Articles 2015:
1. HADDAD Soumia, HANANE Saad & HOUHAMDI Moussa (2015). La reproduction de l’hirondelle rustique (Hirundo rustica) dans un Milieu urbain nord-africain: quel impact des conditions climatiques et de l’application des insecticides. Ecologie (Terre et Vie), Vol. 70 (3):1-11.
2. KAFI Fadhila, HANANE Saâd, BENSOUILAH Taquieddine, ZERAOULA Ali, BRAHMIA Hafid & HOUHAMDI Moussa (2015). Les facteurs déterminant le succès de la reproduction des Tourterelles des bois (Streptopélia turtur) dans un milieu agricole Nord-africain. Ecologie (Terre et Vie), Vol. 70 (3), pages : 1- 09.
3. NOUIDJEMA Yacine, SAHEB Menouar, BENSACI Ettayib, BOUZEGAG Abdelaziz, GUERGUEB El Yamine and HOUHAMDI Moussa (2015). Habitat use and distribution of the Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea in the wetland complex of Oued Righ (Algerian Sahara).Zoology and Ecology, pages: 1-8.
4. BRAHMIA Hafid, ZERAOULA Ali, BENSOUILAH Taqiyeddine, BOUSLAMA Zihad & HOUHAMDI Moussa (2015). Breeding biology of sympatric Laughing Streptopelia senegalensis and Turtle Streptopelia turtur Dove: a comparative study in northeast Algeria.Zoology and Ecology.
5. REGGAM.A, BOUCHELAGHEM.H, HOUHAMDI.M (2015). Qualité Physico-Chimique des Eaux de l’Oued Seybouse (Nord-Est de l’Algérie): Caractérisation et Analyse en Composantes Principales (Physico-chemical quality of the waters of the Oued Seybouse (Northeastern Algeria): Characterization and Principal Component Analysis). Journal Mater. Environ. Sci. 6 (5), pages: 1417-1425.
6. AMOR ABDA Wahiba, MERZOUG Seyfeddine, BELHAMRA Mohamed and HOUHAMDI Moussa (2015). Phenology and diurnal behaviour of the Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata in the Guerbes-Sanhadja wetland complex (north-eastern Algeria).Zoology and Ecology, pages: 1-7.
7. LARDJANE-HAMITIA Aicha, METNA Fatiha, BOUKHEMZA Mohamed, MERABET Samira &HOUHAMDI Moussa (2015).Variation in the diet of Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus (Aves, Rallidae) at Lake Réghaïa, Algeria.
8. BELLAGOUNE Samra, MAAZI Mohamed-Chérif, SAHEB Menouar, BARA Mouslim, BOUSLAMA Zihad and HOUHAMDI Moussa (2015). Ecology of Wintering of Common Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna) in Sebkhet Djendli (Batna, Hauts Plateaux, East of Algeria). Advances in Environmental Biology,9(3), Pages: 395-402.
9. ROUAIGUIA.M, LAHLAH. N, BENSACI.E & HOUHAMDI. M.(2015). Feeding behaviour and the role of insects in the diet of northern house-martin (Delichon urbica meridionalis) nestlings in northeastern Algeria. African Entomology Vol. 23, No. 2.
10. BENSOUILAHA Taqiyeddine, BRAHMIA Hafid, ZERAOULA Ali, BOUSLAMA Zihad and HOUHAMDI Moussa (2015). Variation in nest placement by the European Greenfinch Chloris chloris in relation to the age of orange trees. Zoology and Ecology. Volume 26, Issue 1, pages: 9-14.
11. MERZOUG Abdelghani, BARA Mouslim & HOUHAMDI Moussa (2015). Diurnal time budget of Gadwall Anas strepera in Guerbes-Sanhadja wetlands (Skikda, northeast Algeria). Zoology and Ecology. Vol. 25, No. 2, 101–105.
12. BOUGOUDJIL Sabrina, BOUAGUEL Leila, BARA Mouslim, BOUSLAMA Zihad and HOUHAMDI Moussa(2015). Diurnal Behavior of the Ruddy Shelduck Tadornaferruginea in the Northeast High Plains Wetlands (Sebkhat Ouled Amara and Sebkhat Ouled M’barek).Advances in Environmental Biology, 9(11), Pages: 134-138.
13. LARDJANE-HAMITIA Aicha, METNA Fatiha, BOUKHEMZA Mohamed, MERABET Samira & HOUHAMDI Moussa (2015). Variation in the diet of Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus (Aves, Rallidae) at Lake Réghaïa, Algeria. Zoology and Ecology.
14. ZEBSA Rabah, KHELIFA Rassim, KAHALERRASB Amin, DJALALA Hasni and HOUHAMDI Moussa (2015). Emergence pattern, site selection, and seasonal regulation of Onychogomphus costae Selys, 1885 (Odonata: Gomphidae) in northeastern Algeria. Aquatic Insects, Vol. 36, issue 3-4, pages: 257-265.
15. ZEBSA Rabah, KHELIFA Rassim and KAHALERRASAmin(2015). Emergence pattern, microhabitat choice, and population structure of the Maghribian endemic Gomphus lucasii Selys, 1849 (Odonata: Gomphidae) in northeastern Algeria. Aquatic Insects, Vol. 36, issue 3-4, pages: 245-255.
16. S. TELAILIA, L. BOUTABIA, E. BENSACI, A. BOUCHEKER, M. F. SAMAR, M. C. MAAZI, M. SAHEB, M. A. BENSOUILAH and M. HOUHAMDI (2015). Demographic development of breeding populations of yellow-legged gull larus michahellis naumann, 1840 on the small islands and along the coastline of numidia (north-eastern Algeria). The journal of animal & plant sciences, 25(4), page: 1160-1167. Issn: 1018-7081.
17. BENSOUILAHA Taqiyeddine, BRAHMIA Hafid, ZERAOULA Ali, BOUSLAMA Zihad and HOUHAMDI Moussa (2015). Variation in nest placement by the European Greenfinch Chloris chloris in relation to the age of orange trees. Zoology and Ecology. Volume 26, Issue 1, pages: 9-14.
18. BOUDRAA Whiba, BARA Mouslim, KHEMIS Mouhamed Dhia El hak , BOUMAZA Okba, BOUSLAMA Zihad, HOUHAMDI Moussa (2015). Nidification réussie de l’ibis falcinelle Plegadis falcinellus dans un milieu humide urbain en Algerie. Alauda 83(2): 143-148.
19. ALLAOUA Noua, HAFID Hinda, MERZOUG Djemoi, GHOURAF Noureddine and HOUHAMDI Moussa (2015). Evaluation of Physic-chemical Quality of Well Water in the Area of OUM el- Bouaghi (High Plains of Eastern Algeria) Characterization and Analysis in Principal Component. Advances in Environmental Biology, 9(18) August 2015, Pages: 63-71.
20. H. MAHDJOUB, R. KHELIFA, R. ZEBSA, Z. BOUSLAMA & M. HOUHAMDI (2015). Bivoltinism in Coenagrion mercuriale (Zygoptera: Odonata) in the southern margin of its distribution range: emergence pattern and larval growth.African Entomology 23(1): 59–67.
21. KHELIFA Rassim, GUEBAILIA Amina, MAHDJOUB Hayat, SAHNOUN AOUAOUCHE Mohamed and HOUHAMDI Moussa (2015). Aspects of life history of Platycnemis subdilatata (Zygoptera: Platycnemididae) in Northeast Algeria. International Journal of Odonatology, Vol. 18, No. 4, 317–327.
Articles 2014:
1. BENDAHMANE Ikram, MOSTEFAI Noureddine, MOULAY MELIANI Khadidja et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Statut phénologique de la famille des Anatides dans la zone humide de Dayet El-Ferd – Tlemcen (Algérie). Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France. 139(1- 4) : 83-89.
2. BENSACI Ettayib, BOUTERA Nacéra, CHERIEF Abdelkader, SAHEB Menouar, MOALI Aissa et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Breeding ecology studies of Collared Pratincoles glareola pratincola in the Central Hauts Plateaux of Algeria. Wader Study Group Bulletin 121(1): 43–48.
3. BENSACI Ettayib, BENDJAMA Sarah, TELLI Sarah, REGUIG Sarah, ZOUBIRI Asma et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Contribution à l’étude de la pollution des eaux des zones humides des régions Arides d’Algérie. International Journal of Environment & Water. Vol 3, Issue 1:61-67.
4. BENSOUILAH Taqiyeddine, BRAHMIA Hafid, ZERAOULA Ali, BOUSLAMA Zihad et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Breeding biology of the European Greenfinch Chloris chloris in the loquat orchards of Algeria (North Africa). Zoology and Ecology: 1-10.
5. CHETTIBI Farah, ABERKANE Meriem, DRAIDI Khalil, BAKHOUCHE Badis, GUERGUEBE El Yamine, BOUSLAMA Zihad and HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Breeding ecology of water birds in Echatt (Numidia, north-eastern Algeria). Annals of Biological Research 5 (4):27-31.
6. DZIRI Hamdi, ROUIDI Sonia, OUAKID Mohamed Laid and HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Eco Ethology of the Duck Mallard (Anas plathyrhynchos) wintering at the level of Garaet Hadj Tahar (Skikda, North-East Algeria). Advances in Environmental Biology, 8(10) June 2014, Pages: 324-333.
7. HADJOUDJ Saida, KHELIFA Rassim, GUEBAILIA Amina, AMARI Hichem, HADJADJI Sana, ZEBSA Rabah, HOUHAMDI Moussa & MOULAÏ Riadh (2014). Emergence ecology of Orthetrum cancellatum: temporal pattern and microhabitat selection (Odonata: Libellulidae). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.): International Journal of Entomology, pages: 1-8.
8. MADOUI Bachir El-Mouaz, SAKRAOUI Feriel, HOUHAMDI Moussa & BOUSLAMA Zihad (2014). Caractérisation et dynamique des peuplements de puces de la faune sauvage et domestique : impact sur la santé. Entomologie
9. ABERKANE Meriem, MAAZI Mohamed-CHÉRIF, CHETTIBI Farah, GUERGUEB El-Yamine, BOUSLAMAA Zihad et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Diurnal wintering behaviour of the Marbled Teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris) in north-east Algeria. Zoology and Ecology Faunistique 67,3-13.
10. METALLAOUI Sophia, HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Premières données sur la reproduction de la Sterne naine Sterna albifrons en Algérie : description de la colonie. Bulletin of the “Mediterr anean Waterbirds” network, No. 2. Bulletin du réseau “Oiseaux d’eau Méditerranée”, N°2: 16-23.
11. LARDJANE-HAMITI Aïcha, METNA Fatiha, SAYAUD Mohamed-Salah, BOUKHEMZA Mohamed et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Le retour du Fuligule Milouin Aythya ferina nicheur dans la réserve naturelle du Lac de Réghaïa (Alger, Algérie). Bulletin of the “Mediterr anean Waterbirds” network, No. 2. Bulletin du réseau “Oiseaux d’eau Méditerranée”, N°2 : 42-43.
12. METALLAOUI Sophia, MAAZI Mohamed-Chérif, SAHEB Menouar, HOUHAMDI Moussa, BARBRAUD Christophe (2014). A comparative study of the diurnal behaviour of the Northern Shoveller (Anas clypeata) during the wintering season at Garaet Hadj-Tahar (North-East Algeria) and Garaet Timerganine (Algerian highlands). Turkish Journal of Zoology (38):1-10.
13. MERZOUG Seyf Eddine, AMOR ABDA Wahiba, BELHAMRA Mohamed and HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Eco-ethology of the wintering ferruginous duck Aythya nyroca (Anatidae) in Garaet Hadj Tahar (Guerbes-Sanhadja, Northeast of Algeria). Zoology and Ecology, pages: 1-9.
14. NOUIDJEM Yacine, BENSACI Ettayib, BOUZEGAG Abdelaziz, SAHEB Menouar & HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Status and ecology of ruddy shelduck Tadorna ferruginea in wetland complex of Oued Righ valley (Algerian Sahara). International Journal for Environment & Global Climate Change, Vol 2, Issue 1, pages: 1-10.
15. TELAILIA Salah, BOUTABIA Lamia, BENSOUILAH Mourad-Abdelkrim and HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Breeding biology of Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) in North East Algeria. INT J CURR SCI 2014, 11: E 120-127.
16. BOUDRAA Wahiba, MERZOUG Seyfeddine, KHEMIS Mohamed Dhia Elhak, BOUMAAZA Okba, BARA Mouslim, BOUSLAMA Zihad et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Qualité bactériologique et physico‐chimique de l’eau des plages de la ville d’Annaba (mer méditerranée). Arabian Journal of Earth Sciences Vol.1 (2014) - Issue 1: 288-289.
17. SAYAD Lamine, KHERICI-BOUSNOUBRA Houria, DROUICHE Nadjib, HOUHAMDI Moussa, KHERICI Nacer (2014). Calculation and interpretation of effluent discharge objectives of dairy industry: Case Edough’s dairy – Annaba (Algeria). Ecological Engineering 73 (2014) 421– 424.
18. BARA Mouslim, MERZOUG Seyf Eddine, KHELIFA Rassim, BOUSLAMA Zihad and HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Aspects of the breeding ecology of the Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio in the wetland complex of Guerbes-Sanhadja, north-east Algeria. OSTRICH: 1-7.
19. MAHDJOUB Hayat, KHELIFA Rassim, ZEBSA Rabah, MELLAL Mohamed Khalil, BOUSLAMA Zihad et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Aspects of reproductive biology and ecology of Coenagrion mercuriale at its southern range margin. International journal of Odonatology.
20. AMOR ABDA Wahiba, MERZOUG Seyfeddine, BELHAMRA Mohamed and HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Phenology and diurnal behaviour of the Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata in the Guerbes-Sanhadja wetland complex (north-eastern Algeria).Zoology and Ecology: 1-7.
21. GUELLATI Kaouthar, MAAZI Mohamed-Cherif, BENRADIA Mouna et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Le peuplement d’oiseaux d’eau du complexe des zones humides de la wilaya de Souk-Ahras : état actuel et intérêt patrimonial. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 139 (1-4) : 263-277.
22. BOUDRAA Wahiba, BOUSLAMA Zihad et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Inventaire et Ecologie Des Oiseaux D’eau Dans Le Marais De Boussedra (Annaba, Nord-Est De L’Algérie). Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 139 (1-4): 279-293.
23. GUERGUEB El-Yamine, BENSACI Ettayib, NOUIDJEM Yacine, ZOUBIRI Asma, KERFOUF Ahmed et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Aperçu Sur La diversité des oiseaux d’eau du chott El-Hodna (Algérie).Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 139 (1-4): 233-244.
24. ABERKANE Meriem, MAAZI Mohamed-CHÉRIF, CHETTIBI Farah, GUERGUEB El-Yamine, BOUSLAMAA Zihad et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Diurnal wintering behaviour of the Marbled Teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris) in north-east Algeria. Zoology and Ecology.
25. ADAMOU Ala-Eddine, TABIBE Rabie, KOUIDRI Mohamed, OUAKID Mohamed-Laïd et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Phénologie de la reproduction du merle noir Turdus meruladans une oasis septentrionale de l’Algérie. Alauda 82 (3): 193-200.
26. BOUDRAA Wahiba, MERZOUG Seyfeddine, KHEMIS Mohamed Dhia Elhak, BOUMAAZA Okba, BARA Mouslim, BOUSLAMA Zihad et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2014). Qualité bactériologique et physico‐chimique de l’eau des plages de la ville d’Annaba (mer méditerranée).Arabian Journal of Earth Sciences Vol.1 (2014) - Issue 1: 288-289.
Articles 2013:
1. BENSACI Ettayib, SAHEB Menouar, NOUIDJEM Yacine, BOUZEGAG Abdelaziz et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2013). Biodiversité de l’avifaune aquatique des zones humides sahariennes : Cas d’Oued Righ (Algérie).Physio-Géo : Géographie, Physique et Environnement, Volume VII : 31-42.
2. BENSIZRARA Djamel, CHENCHOUNI Haroun, SIBACHIR Abdelkrim et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2013). Ecological status interactions for assessing bird diversity in relation to a hetero geneouslandscae structure. Avian Biology Research 6(1) :67-77.
3. TELAILIA Salah, BOUTABIA Lamia, SAHEB Menouar, BENSOUILAH Mourad et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2013). Breeding Biology of the Eleonora’s Falcon, Falcoeleonorae Gené, 1839(Accipitri formes falconidae), in Northeast Algeria at Sérigina Island.Biodiversity Journal 4(1) :117-124.
4. ROUIBI Abdelhakim, ZITOUNI Ali, TAHAR Ali, et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2013). Breeding ecology of the Great crestedgrebe (Podicepscri status) in Tonga Lake (Northeast Algeria).European Journal of Research100 (3) :534-541.
5. BARA Mouslim, MERZOUG Seyf-Eddine, BOUSLAMA Zihad et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2013). Biodiversity and phenology of Rallidae and Antidaein Garaet Hadj Tahat (Northeast Algeria).Annuals of Biogical Research 4(6) :249-253.
6. CHETTIBI Farah, KHELIFA Rassim, ABERKANE Meriem, BOUSLAMA Zihad et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2013). Diural activity budget and breeding ecology of white-headedduk Oxyura leucocephala at Lake Tonga(Northeast Algeria).Zoology and Ecology4(6) :2-8.
7. BOUAGUEL Leila, SAHEB Menouar, BENSACI Ettayib, BOUGOUDJIL Sabrina, BOUSLAMA Zihad et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2013). Status and diurnal of Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus in Algerian eastern high plains. Annuals of Biogical Research 4(8) :232-237.
8. HAFID Hinda, SAAD Hannane, SAHEB Menouar, HOUHAMDI Moussa (2013). Dynamique spatio-temporelle de l’hivernage de Grues cendrées Grus grus en Algérie.Alauda81(3) :201-208.
9. METALLAOUI Sophia, DZIRI Hamid, BOURENNENE Meriem et BENGUIBA Meriem (2013).Valeurs ornithologiques des zones humides de l’éco-complexe de zones humides de Guerbes-Sanhadja (Skikda, Nord-Est de l’Algérie).Bulletin of the «Mediterranean waterbirds »Network.
10. ZITOUNI Ali, ROUIBI Abdelhakim, BARA Mouslim, TAHAR Ali, et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2013).The common coot Fulica Atra in Northeast of Algeria (National park of El KALA): Study of breeding biology. Annuals of Biogical Research 4(10) :92-95.
11. LARDJANE-HAMITI Aicha, METNA Fatiha, MERABET Samira, RAKEM Karima, BOUKHEMZA Mohamed et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2013). Quelques Aspects Ethologiques Du Fuligule Nyroca Aythya Nyroca (Anatidae° Dans La Reserves Naturelle Du Lac De Reghaia (ALGERIE). Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 138 (1-4) :103-113.
12. KHELLIFA Rassim, MAHDJOUB Hayette, ZEBSSA Rabeh, KAHALRRAS Amin, GUEBAILIA Amina, AMARI Hichem et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2013). Aspects of reproductive biology and behaviour of the regional critically endangered Urothemis edwardsii (Odonata: Libellulidae) on Lake Bleu (Algeria). Zoology and Ecology 4(6): 1-4.
13. BARA Mouslim, MERZOUG Seyf-Eddine, BOUSLAMA Zihad et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2013).Biodiversity and phenology of Rallidae and Antidaein Garaet Hadj Tahat (Northeast Algeria).Annuals of Biogical Research 4(6) :249-253.
Articles 2012:
1. SEDDIK Sihem, BOUAGUEL Leila, BOUGOUDJIL Sabrina, MAAZI Mohamed-Chérif, SAHEB Menouar, METALLAOUI Sophia et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2012). L’avifaune aquatique de la Garaet de Timerganine et des zones humides des Hauts Plateaux de l’Est algérien. Afri. Bird Club Bull. 19(1): 25-32.
2. KOUIDRI Mohamed, OUAKID Mohamed-Laid et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2012). Biologie de la reproduction de la Linotte mélodieuse Caraduelis cannabina dans l’Atlas Saharien (Aflou, Algérie). Alauda 80(2): 117-124.
3. LARDJANE-HAMITI Aicha, METNA Fatiha, SAYAUD Mohamed-Samir, GUELMI Mustapha, BOUKHEMZA Mohamed et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2012). Le Fuligule Milouin Aythya ferina nicheur dans la réserve naturelle du Lac Réghaia (Alger, Algérie). Alauda 80(2): 151-152.
Articles 2011:
1. DJENIDI Rédha, BOUSLAMA Zihad, BENYACOUB Slim, HOUHAMDI Moussa, SOUALAH-ALILA Hana et BELABED Adnen (2011). Etat de santé des poussins de la mésange maghrébine Cyanistes teneriffae. Alauda 79(1): 65-78.
2. BENSACI Ettayib, BOUZEGAG Abdelaziz, GUERGUEB Elyamine, BOUNAB Chouayb, BRAHMIA Hafid, NOUIDJEM Yacine, ZERAOULA Ali, BOUAGUEL Leila, SAHEB Menouar, METALLAOUI Sophia, MAYACHE Boualem, BOUSLAMA Zihad et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2011). Chott Merouane (Algérie): un nouveau site de reproduction du Flamant rose Phœnicopterus roseus. Flamingo 18. 40-47.
3. BOUMENDJEL Mahi-Eddine, Samar Mohamed-Faouzi, Sabeg Hedjer, Houhamdi Moussa, Boutebba Aïssa and Soltane Mahmoud (2011). Heat treatment effect on the technological quality of processed tomato paste. Canadian Journal on Chemical Engineering and Technology Vol. 2. No. 3. 27-40.
4. BOUKROUMA Nadhra, MAAZI Mohamed-Chérif, SAHEB Menouar, METALLAOUI Sophia et Houhamdi Moussa (2011). Hivernage du Canard Pilet Anas acuta sur les hauts plateaux de l’Est de l’Algérie. Alauda 79(4): 285-293.
5. CHEKROUD Zohra, KHAMIS GOUDA Mona et Houhamdi Moussa (2011). Biodegradation of crude oil in marine medium. Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics. 4(10): 231-237.
6. AISSAOUI Ryadh, TAHAR Ali, SAHEB Menouar, GUERGUEB Elyamine et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2011). Diurnal behaviour of Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca wintering at the El-Kala Wetlands. Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique de Rabat. 33(2): 67-75.
7. BAAZIZ Naima, MAYACHE Boualem, SAHEB Menouar, BENSACI Ettayib, OUNISSI Makhlouf, METALLAOUI Sophia et HOUHAMDI Moussa (2011). Statut phénologique et reproduction des peuplements d’oiseaux d’eau dans l’éco-complexe de zones humides de Sétif (Hauts plateaux, Est de l’Algérie). Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique de Rabat. 32(2): 77-87.
8. HOUHAMDI Moussa, SAHEB Menouar, MAAZI Mohamed-Chérif, METALLAOUI Sophia et MAYACHE Boualem (2011). Les oiseaux d’eau de l’éco-complexe de zones humides de la région d’Oum El-Bouaghi (Est algérien). Actes du Séminaire International sur la Protection des végétaux. Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique El Harrach, Dép. Zool. Agri. Forest., du 18 à 21 avril 2011.